Altitude Kite


Opening period

  • From 01/05 to 30/09 between 10.30 am and 10 pm.


Learn to KiteSurf and WingFoil/Surf with the specialists from the Lac de Serre-Ponçon!

The Mecca of KiteSurfing since 1999...

Our school welcomes you to the only beach designed for kitesurfing (Plage des Eaux Douces, CROTS) on the Lac de Serre-Ponçon, where you'll find everything you need for a fun and sporting holiday!

Stages and sessions for all levels (from 15 years old and 50kg).

For a safe learning experience, lessons take place in the open water, in the middle of the lake, using boats and a radio link.

SCHOOL: Altitude Kite is a KiteSurf and WingFoil/Surf school where you can learn and improve your skills in this sport, supervised in the open water by our qualified instructors.

Group or individual lessons, secured by radio link and boats.

Come and discover these board sports, accessible to all, on this magnificent lake, which has become a benchmark for foiling!

SHOP: The Kite-Surf and WingFoil/Surf specialist in the Hautes-Alpes offers new and second-hand equipment for sale, as well as accessories and advice. (neoprene wetsuits, lycra, boardshorts, bikinis...).

Disability and tourism: information to help you travel smoothly

Disability and tourism: information to help you travel smoothly

  • Reception staff sensitized to the reception of people with disabilities

Motor deficiency

  • Reserved space 330 cm wide < 100 m from the site

We provide services and equipment tailored to individual needs


Pets : Accepted

Customers and groups

Age minimum : 168 mois

Payment methods

  • Bank/credit card
  • Cash
  • Credit transfer


  • Kite surfing

Service provider approvals

  • State diploma

Languages spoken

  • English English
