Yoga Shala Embrun
- 21 rue de la levée
- Les épervières
- 05200 Embrun
- Tel: 06 76 64 32 14
- Contact
- Website
Opening period
- All year round.
Come and practise yoga, qi gong and other related practices in a zen and relaxing atmosphere accompanied by professionals.
Yoga Shala Embrun is also a centre for non-conventional treatments with qualified therapists.
At yoga shala Embrun a team of 19 professionals (teachers and therapists) are involved, each equally motivated, qualified and specialised to help you improve your vitality, health and enjoyment of life by reducing psychosomatic and mental suffering.
The practices offered are:
This type of yoga, through the precise and rhythmic practice of postures, enables the practitioner to master the body and senses and improve overall fitness. It has many recognised physical and mental benefits: greater flexibility, a stronger skeleton and joints, the disappearance of back problems, a clearer mind, better quality of sleep and better stress management. All this can only be seen if you are assiduous in your practice, with patience, perseverance and regular practice.
Vinyasa yoga
Fortifies the body, clears the mind, purifies the nervous system, improves the immune system. Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic system of Hatha Yoga with an emphasis on breath ( UJJAY ) and fluid movement ( VINYASA ) between postures ( ASANAS ). During practice, internal heat is produced and toxins are expelled from the body through perspiration. This improves concentration and reduces stress. Regular practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga improves health, tones muscles and purifies organs, enhancing psychological and physical well-being. The result is a body that is light and strong.
Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga offers a gentle approach combined with a slow rhythm, requiring little muscular commitment, and developing physical relaxation and introspection. This style of yoga targets the bones, joints and connective tissues. There is no aesthetic ideal to achieve, which makes the Yin Yoga approach very liberating, giving priority to a functional approach. The long poses of Yin Yoga re-establish harmony in the subtle body by targeting the channels that run through the connective tissues. This practice leads you to cultivate inner calm and gives you a keen sense of introspection.
Yoga for children
These playful yoga sessions, adapted to their needs and above all to their physical and physiological development, will give them a great way of learning to release tension but also to get to know themselves better, to savour the present moment and the beautiful nature that the Embrunais region has to offer. The exercises in living together, postures, breathing and relaxation will have a beneficial effect on their well-being, motor skills, attention and emotional management.
Nordic Yoga® was born out of the encounter between Nordic walking and a physical form of modern yoga, hatha yoga and more specifically Ashtanga Vinyasa. Nordic Yoga® is practised outdoors and combines moving with the poles with stopping to practise postures, still using the poles.Breathing is the central element of Nordic Yoga®; it is done solely through the nose and is experienced consciously. Breathing sets the rhythm for our steps and accompanies each of our postures.
Pilates is a great way to build muscle, tone up and make your body more supple, but also to tone up for everyday life, release tension and recharge your batteries. However, it is essential to perform the postures correctly to avoid injury.
Qi Gong
Qi Gong is a slow, gentle form of gymnastics derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine. The practice of Qi Gong involves a wide variety of movements, generally performed very slowly, still postures, stretching, breathing exercises, visualisation and focused meditation. Qi Gong, a Chinese energy art that combines self-massage, meditation and movement. Qi Gong can be practised by anyone, whatever their state of health, simply by adapting it to their current abilities.
Dance mandala
This is a meditation practice in movement: expressive, rejuvenating and unifying, it invites us on an authentic and sensitive bodily journey to the heart of ourselves, a Corps'Zéam journey to the heart of the Spirals of Life, our inner mandalas. It is rooted in the practices of free dance/'ecstatic dance', somatic practices and meditation/full consciousness.
Voyage Sonore
Singing bowls work through sound and vibration. Their deep vibration is rapidly transported to the cellular and sub-cellular levels of the human body. They stimulate the energy meridians (Nadis), blood vessels, nerves, veins and lymphatic system. They help to open up and relax tense parts of the body, inducing deep meditation, mental clarity, intuition and inner peace. The sounds and vibrations of the singing bowls vibrate the body's energy meridians and bring them back into balance.
Gentle treatments offered at the Centre Yoga Shala Embrun:
TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine
Using various therapeutic techniques (massage, cupping, guasha, moxibution, pharmacopoeia, etc.), the TCM practitioner will ensure that the Qi circulates freely and harmoniously in the patient's body. They should also educate their patients so that they maintain this free circulation of Qi. This free circulation of Qi can be maintained by the daily practice of Qi Gong.
Permatherapy is, like permaculture, a systemic and global health method. Its aim is to design a system of care and care-giving based on an integrative approach to medicine. In other words, it's a method of care that looks for solutions just about everywhere for the good of everyone, and enables everyone to become autonomous in health.
Clinical psychology
Clinical psychology is essentially a psychological discipline based on the in-depth study of individual cases. In more precise terms, clinical psychology is concerned with the study of individual human behaviour and its psychological conditions (heredity, maturation, psychology and psychopathology, life history, etc.), in short: the study of the whole person in situation.
Osteopathy is a non-conventional medicine based on the unproven idea that manual manipulation of the musculoskeletal system and myofascial release techniques can bring relief in the field of functional disorders.
Kinesiology, etymologically "the science of movement", is a psycho-corporal rebalancing technique. It is a technique that gently acts on the body's memories to restore balance and freedom of being. It takes into account the whole person, the physical, emotional, mental and energetic aspects. Its main feature is muscle testing. It consists of establishing a direct dialogue with the body. It provides access to the body's memory, identifying the factors at the root of blockages and the nature of the balancing required to remove them. It uses the connection between the emotions, the brain and the muscles.
The aim of kinesiology is to reduce stress so that each person can reconnect with their potential, rediscover their personal power, the ability to choose and access their own resources, and thus find their own solutions.
Sophrology is a practice in which breathing, relaxation, muscle relaxation and mental imagery techniques are used. It works on the body, mind and emotions at the same time
It helps to develop self-awareness and to mobilise the resources that exist in every human being, with the aim of empowerment and self-fulfilment. The techniques are simple and easy to repeat at home, thanks to the audio recording of the practices. It promotes self-knowledge and personal fulfilment
Massage therapy
Biomechanical in nature, it is performed on a table with oil, and consists of a sequence of manoeuvres applied to the muscular mass, fascias and connective tissues, serving to restore tired, atonic or inhibited muscles. It relieves chronic and acute back pain and provides tone, relaxation and suppleness. It improves blood circulation by encouraging the return of blood to the heart and improving lymphatic circulation, cell nutrition and elimination. Ericksonian hypnosis, invented by the psychiatrist Milton H. Erickson (1901-1980) and used in the medical field, aims to open a dialogue between the conscious and unconscious minds in order to bring out your resources and solutions to your needs. Unrelated to show hypnosis, it is characterised by its therapeutic, caring and deeply respectful approach to each individual.
You are guided towards a hypnotic state (a sort of intermediary between wakefulness and sleep) that is conducive to therapeutic work under hypnosis.
Magnetism is based on the fact that every human being, like all the matter around us, contains energy. Every human being on the planet is therefore a vehicle of energy. For an individual to be in good health, in other words for the human organism to function properly, this energy must circulate correctly. Magnetisers are people who are able to use this energy to relieve the ills of others. Their role is to act on the patient's energy body, as opposed to the traditional doctor who treats the physical body.
Good Plans
Your Yoga Shala Embrun center offers a wide range of workshops, including sophrology, Qi Gong, meditation, relaxation for pregnant women, etc.
For dates, please consult the downloadable workshop schedules at the bottom of this page.
Your Yoga Shala Embrun center offers a wide range of workshops, including sophrology, Qi Gong, meditation, relaxation for pregnant women, etc.
For dates, please consult the downloadable workshop schedules at the bottom of this page.
Disability and tourism: information to help you travel smoothly
Motor deficiency
- Site, building totally accessible
We provide services and equipment tailored to individual needs
Pets : Not acceptedAdditional information
Yoga classes and other activities for all ages, no booking required, no experience necessary, no equipment required. Find the schedule on our website.
Group activities: Yin Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Yoga for children, Restorative Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Nordic Yoga, Meditation, Qi Gong, DanceMandala, Dance Biodynamique, Sophrology, Wellness Movement, Pilates, Postural Stretching, Sound Travel, Sophrology
Individual care: Hypnotherapy, Osteotherapy, Kinesiology, Massage therapy, Permatherapy, TCM, Accupuncture, Tui Na Massage, Magnetism
- Rates for treatments: consult the therapists
Lardon Emilie MTC : 06 85 43 18 63
Saouir Jordan Ostéothérapie : 06 74 92 95 60
Prices for yoga group classes
1 class: 15€
5 classes: €65
10 classes: 120€
1 individual class: 45
Payment methods
- Check
- Cash
- Credit transfer
- Sophrology
- Massage
Service provider approvals
- State diploma
Languages spoken