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09and10.09 Organic Fair Génépi EMB

14 et 15 septembre 2024

'' Promote a better understanding of our environment, and encourage activities that respect it, while learning and having fun!
photo foire bio

En attendant le programme 2024, retour sur la 23ème foire Bio Génépi sur le thème de l’avenir de la montagne

The Génépi organic fair takes place on the banks of the Durance River. The 23rd edition of the organic fair will focus on the following themes:
In the face of climate upheaval, do we need to reinvent our mountain lives?
What new relationships with nature, the economy, energy, education and visitors will we need to reorganize our lives?

A rich and varied program of conferences, round tables and events. A weekend not to be missed!

Organic Fair 3

Programme 2023:


- 11am - 12pm: Official opening of the organic fair, with a welcome drink
- 11am - 4pm: Jazz and swing by Dizzy GILAGIO
- 2pm - 5pm: Outing: Rafting on the Durance. Discovery and protection of biodiversity - Cruise - With the Haut-Alpin collective for the protection of torrents and rivers.
2pm - 3pm: "Dépendance affective" health conference Sylvie ROCHARD, counselling consultant
- 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm: Conference "What mountains for tomorrow? " Coup de chaud sur la montagne - Une approche alpine du changement climatique" Bernard FRANCOU, research director, mountaineer and writer.
- 3 - 4 pm: Energy and housing conference "Housing crisis - Let's urgently renovate our cities" Daniel FAURÉ, teaching engineer and member of the négaWatt association.
- 3:30 - 4:30 pm: Conference "What mountains for tomorrow? " The impact of climate change on high-altitude vegetation, wildlife and pastoral practices. Dr Dominique GAUTHIER, expert in ecopathology.
- 4pm - 5pm: Health Conference "How to maintain and improve your memory and health through digitopuncture, diet, exercises...?" Jacques STAEHLE, digitopuncture practitioner
- 4:30 - 5:30 pm: Screening / debate What mountains for tomorrow? " Be the change : 1er épisode / Précipitations, l'eau de là-haut" Short film screening and discussion in the presence of the director. Laetitia ROUX, ski-mountaineering champion and experts.
- 5 p.m. - 6 p.m.: Health Conference "Blossoming in your relationships" Where to start to avoid anxiety and guilt... Marine GAUTHERON, hypnotherapist.
- 5.30pm - 7pm: Round table What mountain for tomorrow? "Since the Parc domanial de la Bérarde - One hundred and ten years of nature protection, and after?" History by Jean-Paul ZUANON, retired political scientist and author of "Chronique d'un parc oublié". And perspectives in the form of a round-table discussion, with Jean-Paul ZUANON; Lucien TRON, president of the Association pour la protection et l'aménagement du vallon du Laverq and former Ecrins National Park agent; Michel BOUCHE, representative of the Syndicat National de l'Environnement FSU of the Ecrins National Park.
- 7.30pm - 8.30pm: Concert by Menthe Poivrée: The trio of accordion, double bass, drums and vocals will play throughout the evening.
8:30 pm - 9:30 pm: "T'es rien sans la Terre" show : The aerial acrobatics of this contemporary circus provide the necessary lightness for a sincere exchange on the theme of ecology. A show for all ages, it raises awareness of the multitude of links that bind us to each other and to nature. Not to be missed.
- 9:30 - 10:30 pm: "Menthe Poivrée" concert

(Info +: shows and concerts at free and conscious prices)




Organic Fair 4
  • Organic Fair 2

    SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 10 / Embrun lake

    - 9: 30am - 12:30pm : Outing: Rafting on the Durance. Discovery and protection of biodiversity - Cruise - With the Haut-Alpin collective for the protection of torrents and rivers. Registration Embrun Serre-Ponçon Tourist Office (
    10am - 12pm: Outing "Les 1000 cascades - restoring the mountain", Outing to the torrent des Vachères, with Hervé Gasdon, retired forester. Registration Embrun Serre-Ponçon Tourist Office (
    - 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Conference What mountains for tomorrow?"Forestry and agriculture in the mountains - What practices in the context of global change? Thomas RASO and Anne AÏT TOUATI, spokesmen for the Confédération Paysanne 05, market gardeners in the Buech region; Antoine Aurèle COHEN, anthropologist, Appel National pour des Forêts Vivantes collective.
    - 2pm - 3pm: Show for children aged 5 and over at the family entertainment area "Good tales make good friends" : By Olivier JOLY and Olivier CHAVILLON. Storytelling! Singing! Mime! They'll try anything to keep you interested! (Info +: shows and concerts at free and conscious prices)
    - 2pm - 3pm: Energy and habitat conference "What's left of Chernobyl in our mountains? Roland DESBORDES, CRIIRAD spokesman.
    -14h - 15h30 : Conference What mountains for tomorrow? "What energy tomorrow in the Hautes-Alpes?" SAPN-FNE 05 energy group
    - 2pm - 6pm: Scène ouverte concert : Come and provide some musical entertainment on a voluntary basis. (Contact Claude on 06 20 61 68 48) Info +: shows and concerts at free and conscious prices.

  • Organic Fair 6

    - 3 - 4 pm: Energy and habitat conference: Biodynamics "to be more resilient on your farm" Thérèse Mével FOJCIK, biodynamic farmer and trainer.
    - 3:30 - 4:30 pm : Screening / debate What mountain for tomorrow? Be the change 2nd episode "Trees, guardians of life". Screening of a short film and debate in the presence of the director. Laetitia ROUX, ski-mountaineering champion and experts.
    4pm - 5pm: Conference on energy and habitat " Le train, un maillon indispensable au tourisme sud-alpin " Nicole TAGAND - SAPN-FNE PACA.
    -16h30 - 17h30 : Conference What mountains for tomorrow? Changing practices: the "sentinel huts" and "whitewater rafting" systems Sentinel hutsA system that keeps pace with changing practices, biodiversity and climate in the high mountains. By Richard BONET, Head of Scientific Services, Ecrins National Park. The evolution of whitewater practices. By Thomas PASCAL, haut-alpin collective for the protection of torrents and rivers.
    - 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm : Round table What mountains for tomorrow? Territorial approaches and collective dynamics". Conceived and moderated by KAP (kap-asso.org), with : Pierre Antoine LANDEL, researcher in geography and regional planning at Grenoble Alpes University; La Ciappea and the Conservatoire des Cépages de la Roya; Fredi MEIGNAN of Mountain Wilderness; Thierry FAVRE of the "La Grave autrement" collective.


  • Plan foire expo 2023

    Throughout the 2 days...

    The 2-day Génépi Organic Fair also features: fun and interactive exhibitions and events for the whole family.

    POLE MOBILITE Mobil'idée: Mini-bikes, funny bikes, generator bikes to produce energy! Bicycle market: come and repair, swap or find the bike of your dreams! Short scenes on shared mobility by the LaLuba company.
    LUDIQUE ET INTERACTIVE MAQUETTE Communauté de Communes de Serre-Ponçon: How does the Durance make its bed?
    : Cycle path to learn how to cycle safely
    : Raising awareness of waste prevention and composting bio-waste.
    : What mountain for tomorrow? Chamois and ibex or zebra and rhino? Creative workshops for the whole family.
    ESPACE JEU Pics et Colégram: An avalanche of games for the whole family: mobile toy library, board games, wooden games, toddler area.
    Luce BICYCLE RIDE: Let's get away from it all with Luce and her musical bicycle ride!
    AUGMENTATED REALITY SCULPTURE CEN PACA: Discover wetlands as you've never seen them before!

'' "Over the past 23 years, this event has become an integral part of the landscape. We're in an area that's extremely attached to the environment, to the organic aspect, to new building techniques."
Chantal Eyméoud, Mayor of Embrun,

Find out more about the event:

Detailed program

