G2A is a tool for observing the occupancy of tourist beds in the Serre-Ponçon area.

It gives the forecast occupancy rate per week for the summer period. This bed occupancy rate (TO) is subject to change, and the figures you see are to be considered as those "to date" for both this year and the year 2021, which serves as a comparative basis. Likewise, they are not definitive TO figures, as they do not take into account the last 7 days of bookings. It's a basis for interpretation, enabling you to compare N and N-1, and so anticipate your operations and know the overall trend.

Another point of vigilance concerns the "distant" weeks, which will benefit from new bookings each week. The N-1 TOs you can read are not the definitive TOs for 2021, as each day will see new bookings, and only the "coming" week will give a trend close to the definitive TO. In some years, one week of bookings can bring a 5 to 10 point gain in TO (for example, a heatwave in the south of France historically generates waves of bookings, which is impossible to anticipate at a moment's notice).

For the time being, the dynamic for September is rather lower than for 2021, a drop that should be put into perspective given the exceptional nature of the 2021 (and 2020) season. Attendance remains stable if we take 2019 as the reference year.

For further information, please contact Alexis Aubespin, Director of the Intercommunal Tourist Office: direction@serreponcon.com