
'' Natural spaces awareness day - Monday June 27 at the Ecrins National Park headquarters in Châteauroux-Les-Alpes

The Ecrins National Park invites you to an information session on natural areas, organized jointly with the various stakeholders, for Tourist Office staff and local socio-professionals (accommodation and activity providers, etc.).

The aim is to raise participants' awareness of the issues at stake in these sensitive, shared spaces, so that they can better understand and discuss their different uses and perceptions.

We will welcome you at Maison du Parc national des Écrins / Bureau d'Information Touristique de Châteauroux, ln Monday June 27thwith the following program:


- 8:30am - 9am: coffee reception

- 9am - 10am: forestry presentations

> presentation of the Serre-Ponçon forestry charter run by the communauté de communes and the "Forêts en partage" awareness-raising brochure for the general public. By Lucille Bobet, Forest Charter project manager.

> regulatory aspects concerning the use of fire in the forest (use of fireplaces in summer), access and trails in state-owned forest, and presentation of "Boscodon Forêt d'Exception". By Christophe Bernard, manager of the Embrunais Savinois Territorial Unit and head of the Boscodon Forêt d'Exception project at ONF.

- 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.: Natura 2000 intervention

> presentation of the Natura 2000 system and network, local actions and projects (trail and senescent wood contracts, agri-environmental measures, monitoring, etc.) and communication initiatives. By Agnès Vivat, Natura 2000 coordinator.

- 11am-12pm: Ecrins National Park presentation

> general presentation of the Park (territory, missions, regulations). By Jean-François Lombard, Embrunais sector manager

> An update on the role and behavior of herd protection dogs in alpine pastures. By Jean-François Lombard, Embrunais sector manager

> presentation of the Esprit parc national brand. By Marine Metzinger, sector assistant for Embrunais.


- 12:00-14:30: picnic (packed lunch) at Cascade de la Pisse (Rabioux valley) to continue open-air discussions and introduce the site (gateway to the heart of the Park).

Bring a picnic or something to share, and shoes that hold your feet (easy 20-minute trail walk, with access by car if necessary).


Please let us know as soon as possible about the number of participants by replying directly to marine.metzinger@ecrins-parcnational.fr.