Digital technology at the service of the tourism industry


The aim of this program is to support tourism operators in the Serre-Ponçon area in their web-based development. In concrete terms, this involves 3 major phases of awareness-raising, skills enhancement and improvement, with the aim of improving the performance of tourism businesses in the Serre-Ponçon area. This program is all the more useful in that it comes at a time of pandemic, but also in a digital context which today can bring about profound changes in tourism businesses.

The PAVOT program stages :

  • Phase 1: Awareness-raising and program presentation on October 8, 2021 (return to this presentation at the bottom of this page).
    Raise awareness among tourism service providers of the challenges of their digital transformation.
  • Phase 2: Support on the fundamentals with 11 workshops from November 8 to December 10, 2021 (replay online below).
    Accompany tourism service providers on the means and steps to achieve this.
  • Phase 3: Boost channel performance with 3 6-day training courses starting January 18, 2022 (presentation and registration below).
    Tailor approaches to boost each channel's online performance.



Objectives :

  • Bring tourism service providers up to speed on the fundamentals of digital for any tourism business.
  • Ensure "level 1" professionalization of the region's tourism service providers.
  • Prepare for the roll-out of phase 3 of industry training courses, homogenize the level of the groups that will be formed and thus encourage skills upgrading.
  • Enable tourism service providers to anticipate their choices regarding a number of issues linked to the optimization of their e-marketing actions, and thus encourage informed exchanges during phase 3 training sessions.
  • Enhance the knowledge and pedagogical skills of resource persons (Tourist Office, other partners, etc.) by enabling them to follow these workshops for tourism service providers as "observers", and thus enable them to go further in providing individual and collective support to tourism service providers on these fundamental issues.

Principles :

  • A mix between a global approach and a sector-focused approach when the subject imposes too many specificities to be tackled in a generalist way.
  • Duration: 11 workshops lasting 2 to 3 hours
  • Format: distance learning (can also be used for face-to-face training).


List of workshops and links to content :

Presentation of Workshop 1: Google My Business (Hosting companies).
Monday November 8th at 2pm





Workshop #2: Google My Business (Activities).
Wednesday, November 10 at 2pm.




Workshop 3: Claiming your Tripadvisor listing and implementing a pro approach.
Friday, November 12, 2021 at 2pm.




Workshop 4: Responding to customer reviews.
Monday, November 22, 2021 at 10 a.m.


Workshop 4 bis: Responding to customer reviews.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021 at 4pm.



Workshop n°5 : Designing your visuals to sell yourself better online.
Thursday, November 25, 2021 at 2:30 p.m.



Workshop 6: The basics of a high-performance website.
Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 2:30pm.



Workshop n°7 : Work on your visibility on Google - optimize your natural referencing.
Monday, December 6, 2021 at 2pm.




Workshop n°8: Levers to develop sales on the web (focus Hotel).
Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at 2pm.



Workshop 9: Levers for developing sales on the web (focus on Camping).
Thursday, December 9, 2021 at 9:30 a.m.



Workshop n°10: Levers for developing sales on the web (focus on furnished rentals).
Thursday, December 9, 2021 at 2pm.



Workshop n°11: Levers to develop sales on the web (focus on Activities).
Friday, December 10, 2021 at 2:30pm.


PHASE 3: Pathways :

Methodology :

This phase 3 is primarily envisaged in a face-to-face format in order to :

  • Establish a quality relationship between trainers and trainees over the long term.
  • Spontaneous exchanges to provide support that is as close as possible to the customer's needs.
  • Longer intervention sequences to alternate knowledge input and group discussions, and also to enable "practical" workshops.

Nevertheless, all or part of the training courses presented below can be envisaged in a distance learning format if sanitary conditions so require.

Objectives :

  • Enable tourism service providers to better define or redefine their marketing strategies, and prioritize the e-marketing actions to be implemented to best develop their business on the web.
  • Deepen the e-marketing fundamentals acquired in phase 2 and roll out training courses tailored to each sector, enabling tourism service providers to design their own action plans.
  • To give each tourism company the means to develop its web presence in a coherent and appropriate way, thanks to a global approach that ranges from strategy to operational e-marketing actions.
  • Enhance the knowledge and pedagogical skills of resource persons (Tourist Office, other partners, etc.) by enabling them to follow training courses for tourism service providers as "observers".


A complete training path for each discipline:


Professional hosts (bed & breakfasts, self-catering cottages, real estate agencies, hotels) 

J1: Define or redefine your marketing fundamentals: who am I, who are my customers, meeting their needs/expectations? - January 18, 2022, 9am to 5pm, Savines-le-Lac.

J2 and J3: Build your internet distribution strategy and integrate a dynamic pricing policy into your overall sales strategy - January 31 and February 1, 2022, 9am to 5pm, Savines-le-Lac.

J4: Website and web visibility. The basis for developing direct sales - February 24, 2022, 9am to 5pm, Savines-le-Lac.

J5 (e-learning): Understanding, mastering and turning e-reputation into an advantage.

Day 6: Building customer relationships on social networks - March 11, 2022, 9am to 5pm, Savines-le-Lac.



Open-air hotels (campsites, vacation villages) :

J1 and J2: Define or redefine your marketing fundamentals: who am I, who are my customers, meeting their needs/expectations? - January 19 and 20, 2022, 9am to 5pm, Savines-le-Lac.

J3 and J4: Work on customer relations and capitalize on your best sales point: your website - January 27 and 28, 2022, 9am to 5pm, Savines-le-Lac.

J5 and J6: Work on your e-distribution and promote your campsite on social networks - February 21 and 22, 2020, 9am to 5pm, Savines-le-Lac.



Activities course:

J1 and J2: Define or redefine your marketing fundamentals: who am I, who are my customers, meeting their needs/expectations? - January 27 and 28, 2022 OR May 5 and 6, 2022, 9am to 5pm, Savines-le-Lac.

J3 and J4: Website, web writing, SEO and online sales - March 9 and 10, 2022 OR May 16 and 17, 2022, 9am to 5pm, Savines-le-Lac.

J5 and J6: Monitoring and e-reputation, working on customer relations, promoting your business on social networks - March 24 and 25, 2020 OR May 19 and 20, 2022, 9am to 5pm, Savines-le-Lac.




Today, the digital revolution is no longer a vague concern about a future trend, it's a fact: digital technology has completely overturned tourism consumption patterns. Before, during and after the consumption of tourist services, almost all customer profiles make systematic use of the web.

Generation Y (born between 1980 and 1995), which represents more than half the world's working population, is reshaping consumer habits and dictating new rules for tourism companies.

In fact, tourism distribution has evolved considerably with the web. The web now occupies a central, major position, and the COVID-19 crisis we've just been through further reinforces this fact. OTAs (Online Travel Agencies) have also taken on a very important role, and have grown steadily in recent years, overturning traditional distribution patterns. And even if the COVID-19 crisis marked a "pause" in this distribution and reshuffled some of the cards by showing the interest and stakes of short circuits, these players remain unavoidable in the tourism sector.

In this context, tourism service providers are obliged to manage their e-distribution themselves (directly and with OTAs) to ensure their development. And these players sometimes find it hard to make the right choices and develop the right strategies.

The act of buying on the Internet is the result of a more or less complex equation on the customer's side, in which many factors come into play (visibility on the web, recommendation/prescription, perception of good value for money, good reputation, ergonomics of web interfaces, quality of information, quality of online sales tools, etc.).

This requires a clear understanding of the issues at stake, an adaptation of their organization and strategy, and a mastery of web and online sales tools. Unfortunately, not all socio-professionals in the tourism industry are sufficiently "equipped" to make this digital transition, even though it is essential to their development, and even their survival.

With a view to the economic development of tourism sectors and regions, it seems all the more necessary to focus efforts on professionalizing tourism service providers, so that they are in tune with their market and can make the most of the many possibilities offered by the web to develop their visibility and increase their sales.

That's what's at stake with a support system for tourism socio-professionals, designed and implemented by the Tourist Office for the benefit of these socio-professionals.

Friday, October 8, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Pôle XXe, Savines-le-Lac
(health pass required).

Objectives :

  • To provide a first level of understanding to the destination's tourism players on :
    - The challenges of mastering web strategies and tools
    - Web opportunities to boost performance
  • Raising awareness on specific themes and/or issues that affect all service providers and that constitute what we call "fundamentals" (Google My Business, customer reviews, visibility, etc.). - Phase B: Online workshops on "Fundamentals").
  • Present the priority e-marketing levers to be implemented in order to develop sales within an industry approach (see Phase C: Industry Trails).
  • Encourage the desire to go further, by presenting the scheme and the opportunities offered by the workshops and training courses offered as part of the support package.

Program summary :

  • The behavior and expectations of travelers by generation, their uses and their use of digital in the different phases of the purchasing process for a tourism product.
  • The consequences of these behaviors on tourism distribution.
  • An overview of simple actions that can be taken to "ensure the legal minimum and stay in the market".
  • The priority e-marketing levers to implement to develop sales in a value chain approach
  • Presentation, valorization and popularization of the support system (Phase 2 & 3), exchanges and answers to questions.

In a nutshell:

Targets: All the destination's tourism service providers.

Level: All levels.

Prerequisites: none.

Format: Conference, health pass required.

Duration: One day: program presentation, ID REZO conference, lunch, discussions on phases 2 and 3

Speaker : Mathieu VADOT (id-rezo)

Date: October 08, 2021

Location and times: Pôle XXe in Savines-le-Lac, welcome at 9:30 am, conference from 10 am to 12:30 pm

Deliverable on the day : Conference support (PDF format) below: